An official race in the Skyrunner® World Series, and one of the most competitive fields you’ll find in Canada and the United States.
This is a high adrenaline and high vert course that will take racers through some of Crowsnest Pass’ most stunning and technical terrain – including the iconic Livingstone Range.
With 2900 m (9512’) of climbing over 33.5 km, this is a bucket list course, and a race unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Whether you’re racing to win or running to finish, we guarantee you’ll see views you’ve never seen before and explore an area you’d never get to otherwise.
Click below to read a detailed description of the Minotaur SkyRace course written by our race directors.
* Please note, participants of the Minotaur SkyRace must be min 18 years of age on race day, please see our Rules for other important info.
*Please note that these files are reference only. If you wish to explore the course, you do so at your own risk. Without flagging, the Minotaur SkyRace course is difficult to navigate – particularly on the off-trail and high alpine sections.
Course cut offs:
Racers must be at the following locations at the specified times in order to continue on the course. Racers who do no meet the cut off times will be ranked as DNF, and will be directed to take the “escape route” off the course and back to the start/finish area – where they will still get wild applause and big high fives. There are 3 aid stations on course, an our nutrition provider is xact nutrition. Do not plan to rely solely on aid stations. This is a wilderness course and aid stations are remote. Aid station provisions will include: water, xact electrolyte drink, xact energy fruit bars (apricot and strawberry), bananas, and potato chips. We will also have Pepsi at Aid Stations 2 and 3.
Race Starts: 7:00 am
Aid Station 1: 10:30 am/3.5 hours:
(12.2 km into the course, approx 1000 m elevation gain.)
Aid Station 2: 1:30 pm/6.5 hours
(17.5 km into the course, approx 700 m elevation gain between Aid Stations 1 & 2.)
Aid Station 3: No cut off in place
(29 km into the course, approx 1000 m elevation gain between Aid Stations 2 & 3.)
FINISH: 7pm (12 hours)
(33.5 km into the course, approx 200 m elevation gain from Aid Station 3.)